Founder & Chief Editor:

Dr S.Thirunavukkarasu, President, Center for Development Economics Studies, Chennai. Email: info@cdes,org.in; stnavukkarasu@yahoo.com; sthirunavukkarasu@gmail.com

Senior Editors:

Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, PhD, Senior Economist and Affiliate Faculty Member, School of Environmental and Forestry Sciences, University of Washington Seattle & Fellow and Former Head, Trade, Commerce and Strategic Economic Dialogue, NITI Aayog, Government of India,  badrig@uw.edu

Dr Manaloor Varghese, Professor of Economics, University of Alberta, Canada. Email: manaloor@ualberta, ca

Dr John Mbaku. Professor, Department of Economics, Weber State University, Ogden, USA. Email: jmbaku@weber.edu

Dr M.Soundarapandian, Professor and Dean, School of Management Studies, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu. Email: grucc@ruraluniv.ac.in; msprimgri@yahoo.com; msprimgri@gmail.com

Dr Robert Inbakaran, Adjunct Academics, School of Health Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Email: inbakaran@gmail.com

Prof Ravinder Rena,Professor of Economics at Durban University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, profravinderrena@gmail.com

Dr A. R. Veeramani, Registrar (Rtd.,), Vel’s Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai. Email: vistas@velsuniv.ac.in; registrar@velsuniv.ac.in; drarvee@yahoo.co.in

Dr S.N.Sugumar, Prof.& HOD of Economics, Vel’s Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai. Email; profsukumar.Sms@velsuniv.ac.in; profsukumar@gmail.com

Editorial Board:

Dr Manish Sharma, Professor of Economics, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Bhopal. Email: mani_sh@rediffmail.com;iehebhopal@mp.gov.in

Dr P.Arunachalam, Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala. Email: arunachalam14@yahoo.co.uk; iraa@cusat.ac.in

Dr. (Mrs).S.Chinnammai, Professor and HOD of Economics, Chairperson: School of Economics, University of Madras, chinnammai@unom.ac.in; pragathauom@gmail.com; pragatha@hotmail.com

Dr A.Abdul Raheem, Associate Professor of Economics, The New College, Chennai. Email: abdulraheem1967@gmail.com; http://www.thenewcollege.in/aided-shift-1-staff-department-of-economics.php

Dr A. Mourougane, Head, SMM & Associate Professor, Indian Maritime University East Coast Road, Chennai, email: amourougane@imu.ac.in

Dr X.Vincent Jayakumar, Assistant Professor of Economics, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai. Email:vincentsjayakumar@rkmvc.ac.in; prof.vincentsjayakumar@gmail.com

Dr A.Gunasekaran, Principal, PERI College of Arts and Science, Chennai. Email: principalarts@peri.ac.in; agunasekaran@peri.ac.in; agunasekaran@gmail.com

Dr Gobind N.Herani, Professor of Economics, Indus Institute of Higher Education, Karachi, Pakistan. Email: drgobindmherani@gmail.com; https://www.linkedin.com/in/prof-dr-gobind-m-herani

Dr M.Sangararadje, Director, Government of Puducherry Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Puducherry. Email: sangararadje@gmail.com; https://kmcpgs.py.gov.in

Dr B.P.Sarathchandran, Associate Professor in Economics, Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Economics, Margao, Salcete, Goa. Email: sarath.chandran@vvm.edu.in; sarath.chandran7@gmail.com

Dr K.Jayaraman, HOD of Economics, Periyar University, Salem. Email: drkjayaraman@periyaruniversity.ac.in

Dr C.Dhandapani, Professor of Economics, Thiruvalluvar University Vellore. Email: tvuregistrar@gmail.com; chinnaswamydhandapani@gmail.com

Dr K. Kamar Jahan, Dy.COE, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous), Tiruchengode, Namakkal District. Email: vicascoe@gmail.com; kamarays@yahoo.co.in

Dr. Prashant Pareek, Assistant Professor, Shanti Business School, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, profpareek@gmail.com

Editorial Advisory Board:

Dr S.Swaminathan, Former Principal, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Chennai. Email: kumarswaminathan54@gmail.com

Dr R.Rameshkumar, Associate Professor, TILS, Chennai. Email: tilschennai@gov.tn.in; drramesshkumar@yahoo.co.in

Dr R.Sivakumaresan, Professor of Economics, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. Email: rskeconomics@gmail.com

Managing Editors:

Ms T.Lakshmi Pradha, Managing Director, CDES, tlpradha@yahoo.com

Mr T.Somaskandan, Managing Director, CDES, tskandan@rocketmail.com

Peer Reviewers:

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Experts can help the Journal of Development Economics and Management Research Studies (JDMS) by submitting the prescribed willingness form to become part of the peer reviewer committee. The JDMS reserves its right to request the expert for reviewing the article on basis of need and expertise and also it will be based on the receipt of the submission of the peer reviewer willingness form.