ISSN 2582 5119


BCD INDEX, Index Copernicus International ICV 2022 = 80.32, Citefactor Index 4, COSMOS Impact Factor is 3.918, IIFS Impact Factor is 3.125

About Journal:

The Journal of Development Economics and Management Research Studies (JDMS) is published by the Center for Development Economics Studies (CDES). The journal publishes articles, case studies and other research works of original nature by the scholarly researchers in the field of Economics, Commerce, Management, Social Sciences, Agriculture, Applied Sciences, Engineering, Science, Technology etc., which are useful to the interested people worldwide. The article published in this JDMS undergoes anonymous twin blind review process to ensure standard and quality work in the field of research and higher education. Our Journal has been indexed by the following esteemed organisations:

  1. https://search.crossref.org/?q=+2582-5119&from_ui=yes
  2. https://abcdindex.com/dashboard/journal-view
  3. https://openalex.org/sources/S4210234843
  4. https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/details?id=69259
  5. https://www.citefactor.org/journal/index/27922#.YOfiKegzaUk
  6. http://olddrji.lbp.world/Publisher/PublisherHome.aspx?uname=2582-5119
  7. http://www.cosmosimpactfactor.com/page/journals_details/6823.html

Submit Paper

Publication Procedure

The interested researchers can submit their papers electronically by e-mail to the info@cdes.org.in or stnavukkarasu@yahoo.com

The Author/Authors have to follow the GUIDELINES FOR PUBLICATION IN JDMS  as given on this page of the website while preparing the manuscript before submission.

The articles in this Journal are published only after double-blind reviews and publication procedure.

The anonymous blind reviewer’s report is final and the authors are requested to adhere to and carry out a necessary correction in the manuscript as per the suggestions given by them.

The Author/Authors must resubmit the articles only after the change/alterations as per the suggestions given by the reviewers to make your paper eligible for publication.

Peer Review procedure

The JDMS is committed to publishing a quality article with a standard evaluation procedure as listed below:

  1. All the manuscripts submitted will be carefully assessed and acknowledgement will be sent immediately to the sender.
  2. The manuscript should adhere to the guidelines given in the About page of the Journal page on this website.
  3. The manuscript should have less than 10 per cent plagiarism and a certificate may be attached while submitting the same.
  4. The manuscript must be free from grammatical errors and free from other issues.
  5. The submitted manuscript will be sent for double-blind reviewing to the subject experts. The identity of reviewers will be kept confidential and their decision is final in accepting or rejecting or asking for a revision of the manuscript.
  6. Once this review procedure is over the paper will be published possibly in the next issue subject to copyright procedure.


JDMS is permanently archiving the past issues in the hosting platform with a backup by the publisher.


JDMS has no connection with any society, association, in any location and it is an independent journal run by CDES located in the contact address of the editorial office as given on this website.

Guidelines For Publication

Submission of Manuscript in the Journal:

The article/research paper must be written in English.

The manuscript must be submitted online through the website http://www.cdes.org.in/about-journal/ via Email viz., info@cdes.org.in/stnavukkarasu@yahoo.com.

The manuscript must satisfy the requirements of Submission Guidelines and upon satisfying it the article will undergo the editorial process. The content in the manuscript must comply with the requirement given on https://www.cdes.org.in/about-journal/ and it should be empirically rigorous, original work, clear and lucid, topicality and free from errors and relevant to the chosen field of research or subject.

Submission Guidelines

  1. The manuscript should be submitted online through the Email address given above and on the receipt of the same, a confirmation email will be sent to the sender.
  2. The manuscript must be submitted in MS Word format and must be prepared in Times New Roman with 12 fonts in MS office word format in compatible mode. The margins should be 1.5 inches on the top, bottom and sides. The total pages in a single space should not exceed 20 pages.
  3. The manuscript must have a title page with the Author/Authors name, institution affiliation name, and contact details.
  4. The manuscript must have an internationally accepted standard format of article design with a title of the article on top followed by Author/Authors names with their identification, an abstract, keywords, introduction, reviews, results and discussion, conclusion, and references.
  5. The Manuscript and the Copyright Agreement Form must be sent simultaneously.
  6. The Manuscript should have an abstract of one paragraph (not exceeding 250 words) and below this six Keywords must be provided.
  7. We suggest that the Author/Authors use bibliography software while preparing the reference list preferably in APA referencing method as given below.
  8. In the manuscript, tables must be in running numbers with a title carrying values or measures and the source of the data for its authenticity. Kindly avoid lengthy tables.
  9. In the manuscript, all charts, figures, maps, photographs etc., must be in the MS Word adaptable format. It should have running numbers, title and details of sources.
  10. The Editors may crop, turn, reduce, enlarge all charts, figures, maps, photographs etc., to the acceptable size or format to make fit for publication.
  11. The Author/Authors shall resend the manuscript again after making necessary corrections or modifications as suggested by the Editors based on the twin blind reviewer’s evaluation report. And the Author/Authors need not send the Copyright Agreement Form again along with the corrected manuscript.
  12. The published article will be kept in the achieves page link forever on the CDES website.
  13. APA referencing may be followed in the following format:
    1. Author/authors with the surname followed by first initials
    2. Year of publication (in round brackets) followed by,
    3. Article/chapter title followed by,
    4. Journal/ book title followed by,
    5. Volume & Issue number of journal/publisher’s name followed by,
    6. Page-pages of the article as p/pp
    7. Running number for the references


All the published materials in the JDMS are assigned to the CDES which are appropriately protected by the Copyright Laws of the Government of India and international copyrights under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License. The CDES grants perpetual rights to all interested users worldwide in relevant areas for their classroom or research purposes and they can use it for non-commercial uses only and it must be restricted to open access license rules.

The Author/Authors retains the patent, credit for the published work, recognition, IPR, data, models, rights to use the published work within the copyright laws of the Government of India and international copyrights convention. The Author/Authors may not re-publish the same work again in some other source without written permission from the Publisher. The Author/Authors must adhere to and accepts responsibility concerning copyrights, trademark, patent, rights of others, statutory issues, unnecessary statements of conflict of interest, submitting their already published work etc.,

The Authors agrees to transfer the publishing rights to the CDES as per the following rights:

  1. The propriety of the CDES has been authorised by the Author/Authors in the publication of their work and authorise the publisher for commercial use of the same, and they are aware that the article is published in the open-access platform which is available online to any interested person for any specified use without violating the Laws.
  2. The Author is aware that the published materials in the JDMS can be accessed by any third party and monitoring and further use of the same by them is not easy in the modern electronic world.
  3. However, the user of the article is liable under the copyright laws and any infringement, plagiarism, IPR, patent, ethical issues, fraud etc., and it will automatically fix them responsible and answerable for any such violation or infringement of copyrights issues.
  4. The Author/Authors are free to download their articles any number of times from the CDES website for their use and not for any commercial purposes. The CDES is not responsible for any subsequent issues arising out of the article and it lies with the Author or the user. The publisher’s role is limited only in the publication of the articles within the terms of the copyright.
  5. The Author/Authors cannot withdraw the published work from the CDES after the publication, but they are free to withdraw the same before the initiation of the procedure of publication.

Kindly fill up the COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT FORM and post or Email the scanned copy of the same to the address given in the form COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT FORM

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


The JDMS is inclined to contribute to the international research arena on themes helpful for the growth of knowledge that is helpful to society.  The Authors are required to adhere to ethical norms in their works to upgrade quality research works in the subjects. The journal encourages the best articles for publication following publication ethics.

The JDMS is published by the CDES which is a non-profit research body functioning in the cause of higher education, research and training. It is the responsibility of the Publisher, Editors, Reviewers and Authors to maintain reliability, authenticity, integrity, quality and expected standards in publication. The general guidelines are given by the Government of India, ISSN, and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines on Good Publication Practice are followed by all as per the ethical guidelines and publication malpractice statement.

It is the duty of the Authors to follow acceptable writing standards, own data or published data with due permission from the Publisher/Author, original work, free from plagiarism, without concurrent publication of the same work, disclosure of financial or conflict of interest in case of funded works, proper care for the works relating to hazardous/human/animal subjects etc.

Publication Ethical Guidelines and Malpractice Statement

The CDES is the Publisher with the following responsibilities:

  1. Will provide complete support to the Editors/Editorial Board, Reviewers, Author/Authors etc.
  2. Will ensure autonomy in editorial decisions.
  3. Will make the Authors protect IPR and Copyrights matters.
  4. Will ensure fair peer-reviewing, confidentiality, transparency in publication, easy accessibility, and a time frame in publication.
  5. Will avoid unethical publishing, scientific misconduct and fraudulent publication of articles. In consultation with the Editors, will take measures to correct or reject or retract such articles or obtain errata after publication from the Authors wherever necessary.
  6. Will ensure achieving of the articles and it will be available to the users/Author/Authors either on their own or by partnering with such organisation subject to the prevailing policy, standards and methods.

The Editors adhere to the following responsibilities:

  1. The Editors tangibly and neutrally decide on the submitted manuscripts by the Author/Authors in terms of its academic merit and in consonance with the objectives and Guidelines of JDMS as given on this website.
  2. Will be balanced, fair, objective-oriented, no discrimination on grounds of gender, caste, creed, ethnicity, citizenship, religious, geographical etc. with the Author/Authors.
  3. Will supervise the double-blind review process and maintain the anonymity of reviewers.
  4. Will maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript and ensure that it is not used for his personal advantage or other uses thereafter.
  5. Will follow a scientific approach and ensure quality output of articles with responsibility and authority.
  6. Will ensure no conflict of interest while accepting or rejecting an article during editorial decision in terms of competitive or collaborative or other relationships or connections with the Author/Authors or organisations or institutions.
  7. Will take appropriate measures to correct or reject or retract such articles or errata after publication as obtained from the Authors.
  8. Will take steps in consultation with Chief Editor and Publisher on matters pertaining to any unethical or scientific misconduct or fraud or IPR and copyright issues that arise after publication if any.
  9. Chief Editor has the authority in the clearance of articles recommended for publication by the Editors which is free from errors or plagiarism or copyright or IPR and other issues, the validity of the work, usefulness to the readers and will ensure timely release of the journal, and will provide support to the Editors/Reviewers/Publisher.

The Reviewers responsibilities are given here:

  1. Will maintain confidentiality, be open, accurate, notice any conflict of interest, observation or argument from other similar published works, scientific evaluation and scholarly improvement of the manuscript, citation and content issues, the timeline in the evaluation and sending report to the Chief editor.
  2. The reviewers agree to anonymity while reviewing the articles of their chosen field of expertise, accepts the offer for performing the review process, and has every right to withdraw from reviewing.
  3. The reviewers will assist in the editorial decision, cooperate with them within the timeframe and will help the Authors in improving the article.
  4. The reviewers agree not to be competitive or collaborative or other relationships or connections with the Author/Authors or organisations or institutions and will make no personal criticism or observation or remarks against the Author/Authors.
  5. The reviewers will be fair, unbalanced, objective-oriented, no discrimination on grounds of gender, caste, creed, ethnicity, citizenship, religious, geographical etc. with the Author/Authors.
  6. It is the responsibility of reviewers who have accepted or declined the offer of reviewing not to use the accepted or rejected manuscript in the future for their own or his known circle or organisations or institutions of any nature and will be completely responsible for any issues arising out it.

The Author/Authors responsibilities are given below:

  1. JDMS appreciate and profusely thank the Authors for sending their manuscript for publication and also agree to follow the procedure of Publication as per the guidelines given on the website.
  2. The Authors ensure that they are submitting the manuscript which is original, free from any form of plagiarism, conflict of interest, and also subject to copyright, IPR and patent issues.
  3. The Authors must be careful while citing the literature or works of other Authors or published material with due permission if needed and follow accepted referencing standards. Such reviews should be accurate, comprehensive and helpful to other researchers to take lead from the link of the cited source work for their research work. Duplicating or copying or paraphrasing others’ works is not acceptable and it is also unethical.
  4. The Author/Authors agrees that if the manuscript relies on published or external sources of information and is not based on his/her own ideas then proper citation is mandatory. Such citation must be from the original work and if permission is needed from the original Author/Publisher the Author/Authors must fulfil it before citing the same. The Author/Authors may avoid too many citations for a particular concept in the manuscript. Self-citation be avoided in the manuscript. Unknown source or unpublished works may be avoided in the manuscript. If it is taken from a website then a complete URL should be given. Data references must carry complete details of the data source which is to be legibly provided to enable the reader to easily check its original source and it should be free from any payment or legal issues.
  5. The Authors are aware of the need for disclosure of financial or non-financial matters pertaining to their work in order to avoid issues in the future. They have to quote the grant details containing the name of the funding source, its number, year, permission for publication if required in the acknowledgement.
  6. The Author/Co-authors/corresponding author etc. should be neatly mentioned in the manuscript with due permission from them. All are authors of the article and agree to publication procedure as per the Guidelines. The Corresponding Author must ensure that he has approved the manuscript containing his names with his institutional affiliation, also accept the order of all Authors and comply with all publication procedures. It is the responsibility of the Corresponding Author to take points pertaining to copyright issues, patent, conflict of interest, authorship credit, acknowledgement etc.
  7. The Author will obtain permission from the sources of information used in the article if it originates out of correspondence, conversation or discussion, talk or speech by a third party. The conception, design and interpretation of their article should not be a replicate of the work of a third party or from any published material.
  8. The submitted manuscript must accompany a worksheet/formula, methods/procedure if any and may have to provide used data or methods in the process of reviewing and editorial decision. They will avoid inaccurate and controversial statements in the articles.
  9. The Authors agree to act upon fundamental errors that arise or discovered and also for any significant error or inaccuracy in the published work either before or after publication. It is the Author’s obligation to inform the same to the Chief Editor or Publisher and agrees to cooperate for retracting or correcting the paper with an erratum.
  10. The Authors to ensure accessibility to find data used in the article to other researchers for at least ten years after publication. The used data must confer confidentiality and comply with legal rights concerning proprietary. They must avoid using or quoting confidential data of any country’s involving its security and of national importance in the article.
  11. The Author should not submit the same manuscript for publication to some other publisher or organisation or institution. The Authors may go for secondary publication of other work which is different from the published one with due acknowledgement or permission wherever needed.
  12. The Author/Authors agrees that they must get consent from their own Institution, University, College, Government Departments, or authorities whoever sanctions it is mandatory for publication in JDMS. The consent form may be obtained from the Publisher and send the same to the Publisher for considering your article for publication.
  13. The manuscript must be free from unlawful or any kind of ethical violation. The Author ensures compliance of Laws, procedures or guidelines of the institution or organisation, permission from such committee if any while handling hazardous, human, animal subjects. For any study pertaining to humans, it is essential to obtain written permission or consent, and agree to maintain privacy.
  14. The Author must extend full support and cooperation in the publication procedure with the Editor/Publisher.

1. No fees or charges were collected from the authors for publishing their articles in our Journal. The Chief Editor is bearing the entire costs so far from his personal funds. However, due to escalating costs incurred in the domain, hosting and achieving platforms, DOI, editorial and peer-reviewing, website maintenance, internet charges, and employee’s salary, etc., the Publisher is forced to fix a minimum price for publication of articles in the JDMS. The publisher is aware that charging fees for the publication of articles from the Author is like shifting the burden on them and also contradicting the very purpose of encouraging research, but has no option left and only requests the Authors to bear with it and help the Publisher.

2. This is an Open Access journal and subscription to the article method from the user is not contemplated, but article publication charges (APC) are considered as an option to meet the costs. The charges will be collected only at the time of publication and not before the release of the Journal in each quarter from the Authors. The proposed APCs are given below:

Sl.No Nature of Author APC in INR with GST* Waiver policy subject to Authors willingness to avail it
1 Students of UG/PG/school level 1500+GST 50% waiver on the production of a letter from the Guide/Teacher and Head of the Institution.
2 Temporary and contract teachers, and non-stipendiary researchers 4000+GST INR 2000 waiver on the production of a letter from the Employer/Head of the Institution.
3 All others 4000+GST INR 1000 waiver to those from Low-Income Countries as per the World Bank list.

*GST is subject to Government of India policy from time to time and now it is 18%.

3. The link for payment of APC as per the table given above will be sent to the Author on acceptance of the article and at the time of publication in each quarter. The fee once paid will not be returned after the publication is made in the Journal.


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Marketing or sales promotion will not be adopted and decided to grow normally with the support of interested people.


The views/opinion expressed in the article/paper lies with the Author/Authors. The JDMS / Editorial Board / Publisher does not take the responsibility for any issue relating to the Article/Plagiarism or any other issues (as listed in the copyright page of this website) arising after the publication if any is the sole responsibility of Author/Authors.